Good craftsmanship adds exceptional quality to any handmade item, bad craftsmanship can simply ruin your hard work. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your craftsmanship and the overall quality of your handmade projects.

Wire Wrapping Tip #1: When creating wire wrapped loops, don't forget to make a 90 degree bend before making the loop. This helps prevent crooked loops and lopsided dangles.
Wire Wrapping Tip #2: When creating wire wrapped coils, take it slow and have a steady, firm hand. You will have more control and be able to create nicer and tighter coils. You can also use a second pair of chain nose pliers to ensure tight, parallel coils - see our wire wrapping video for more details.
Wire Wrapping Tip #3: A pair of flat nose pliers with tip will help tidy up your wire wrapping. The narrow tips are perfect for getting into tight spots.

Wire Wrapping Tip #4: To prevent nicks and scratches on your wire, avoid an overly heavy hand. You will need to be firm, but squeezing with all your might will definitely mar your work.
You can also use Tool Magic to coat your tools as another safeguard from unsightly marks on your wire work.
To purchase products featured in this blog post, please use these links:
Tool Magic
Flat nose pliers with tip
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